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Our Program

Harnessing Creativity


Outdoor Play

Here For You

Our outdoor area is set up in consideration of our children's needs and targets the EYFS areas of learning. Every child is unique and learns in different ways.

At Little Acorns Daycare we provide tools and resources to support children's learning and development helping them to achieve their full potential.


Communication and Language

Key skills of learning

Languages are a big focus at Little Acorns Daycare from an early age. A different language is taught every month. Bilingual children with English as a second language are well engaged  in special small groups to enhance their language skills. We consider communication and language important areas of learning  and we focus on making sure that all children in our setting achieve the best and gain the most from their experience with us.


Our Sensorial Room

A magic place to be

Our sensorial room at Little Acorns Daycare provides babies and toddlers with what they need: a safe world, rich with opportunities to actively explore, with books, songs, and a lot of listening and responding to their vocalisations and words to support them with their learning and development.

Our Daily Routine/Program

A Day in the Life of Little Acorns


Arrival: 9:00a.m.

We greet each other, children arrive, take off coats and shoes, and hang up their backpacks and place their name tags on the designated area for child register, parents sign in the attendance register with a member of staff.


Breakfast: 9:05a.m. - 9:20a.m.


Morning Activities: 9:20a.m. - 10:00a.m.

Children can choose from activities provided for the day and also attend led activities directed by staff.  


Toilet Time: 11:40a.m. - 12:00p.m.

Children are prompted to use the      toilet and wash their hands.


Snack Time: 12:00p.m. - 12:30p.m.


Nap Time: 12:30p.m. - 13:30p.m.

Sleeping time organised by age group and quiet activity for children that are not sleeping. Children are encouraged to use

       toilet and wash their hands


Circle Time: 10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m.

Morning meeting, Story Time, Circle time/Weather talk and Nursery Rhymes / Finger Puppets.


Adult Led Group Activity: 11:00a.m. - 11:40a.m.


Lunch Time: 13:00p.m. - 13:40p.m.

Promoting Healthy Eating ( Home pack lunch)


Choosing Time: 13:40p.m. - 14:50p.m.

Children choosing time and adult interaction/engagement with children.


Home Time: 14:50p.m. - 15:00p.m.

“The more you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you will go.”

~ Dr. Seuss

Discover Little Acorns Daycare Reading Corner

Welcome to Little Acorns Daycare - a place for children to grow, learn and play. Numerous pieces of research have discovered the profound benefits of reading for a child’s development. Reading benefits later literacy skills, facilitates social interaction between adults and children, and encourages children to engage with the world around them.  

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